Who do I reach out to for an Informational Interview?

Informational interview s do 3 things really well:

  1. Insights: They give you real-world information about sectors/jobs/people you’re curious about.

  2. Networking: They get you onto the radar of people who can guide and support your journey.

  3. Connection: One good connection can open the door to a whole new world filled with more conversations and opportunities.

If you are ready to fast track your career, but don’t know where to begin, try this short brainstorming exercise.

Generate an intention statement that leverages the Must Haves for your next position.


I’m looking for a position as <job title> where I can use <skills> toward <impact> in an environment that <environmental criteria>.


I’m looking to leverage my <skills> in a <job title> position that pays <comp> with a company that <support criteria>.


I’m looking for a role where I can expand my <skills> in <industry> with a team that <people +support criteria>.

Using your intention statement as your guiding north star, get into brainstorm mode. Pull out 3 pieces of paper, titled Companies, Job Titles, and People.

Over the course of a week or so, jot down any and all companies/job titles/people that align with your intention statement.

Look EVERYWHERE for inspiration:

  • Niche job boards - Basecamp, B Word, Idealist Flexjobs, StillHiring.Today, Coolworks, Levels.fyi, etc.

  • Podcasts - What guests resonate for you? Look them up on LinkedIn, see what their career progression was, add them to the list.

  • Articles - Who is quoted in your industry’s trades? Who’s making a needed product?

  • Crunchbase - What companies are receiving funding?

  • The Internet - “Women-owned companies” “Best companies for early career marketing employees” “Top companies for new parents”

And then start your outreach. Looking for some templates? Start here.


Make Networking Less Scary with These 3 Templates